Career Profile

I am a software engineer specialized in DevOps engineering with experience in designing, building and maintaining core infrastructure. My experience is based on DevOps principles (process automation, IaC, system monitoring, continuous delivery, CI/CD pipeline implementation). Also, I have a strong knowledge in information security, programming and networking. As a team member, I am always willing to help, I enjoy interacting with my coworkers and clients, enabling me to learn as much as I can from them.

AWS Terraform Ansible CloudFormation Python Shell Script Docker K8s Git GitHub Actions SonarQube OWASP Top 10 Azure GCP


DevOps Platform Engineer

10/2021 - Present
La Haus

During my time at La Haus, I’ve had the opportunity to collaborate on implementing new solutions aimed at enhancing workload performance, automating processes, improving security posture, and more:
Reduced costs by 89% for CI/CD workflows execution using Fargate Spot Instances on AWS, optimizing automated tests execution time.

Improved efficiency and scalability of CI/CD workflows by implementing OCI Seekable, reducing container startup times, which improves performance when launching new containers and reduces costs.

Implemented an Internal Development Platform (IDP) streamlining time to market metrics (TTM), enabling rapid and secure release of new services while maintaining a comprehensive inventory of services.

Experience in implementing centralized Terraform modules, enhancing deployment efficiency and consistency. Proficient in GitOps practices for automated infrastructure deployment, optimizing development processes and ensuring reliability.
Other technologies:
- AWS EKS, AWS Transit Gateway, Router 53, AWS Certificate Manager, AWS RDS, AWS Security Hub
- Kubernetes, AWS EKS, Helm, FluxCD, SOPS

DevOps Engineer

09/2020 - 10/2021

As part of the Avalith team I have had the opportunity to work on multiple projects performing various activities:
Building infrastructure as code (IaC) with Terraform on different cloud providers such as AWS and Azure.
System monitoring (CloudWatch, TrueSight, FluentBit).
Create serverless architecture on AWS (AWS Lambda, X-Ray, DynamoDB, S3, API Gateway, SNS, SES, Fargate).
Administration of GNU/Linux servers (Shell Script, Salt).
Other technologies:
- AWS ECS, Cognito, ECR, CloudFront, VPC, EC2, Elastic Beanstalk, Secret Manager, Router 53, AWS Certificate Manager, AWS RDS
- Azure Postgresql, VM, NSG, Application Gateway, App Service, Key Vault, Azure DevOps
- Kubernetes, EKS
- Apache, Nginx
- Jenkins, GitHub Actions
- Ansible
- Docker, Docker Compose, GNU/Linux

DevOps Engineer/SecDevOps

04/2019 - 09/2020
IOET, Inc.

As part of the DevOps team at IOET support in different projects that were deployed in different cloud providers (AWS, Azure, Google) in which perform multiple activities:
Work with microservices oriented architectures (Kubernetes, Docker, ECS AWS, Azure App Service).
Work with Serverless architectures (API Gateway, AWS Lambda, AWS Cognito, S3, CloudWatch).
Implement CI/CD pipelines, GitOps.
Build infrastructure as code (IaC) with CloudFormation, Terraform, ARM Azure.
Process automation with Python.
Implement security to CI/CD pipelines (SecDevOps, SonarCloud, OWASP).
Other technologies:
- MongoDB, PostgreSQL
- AWS Amplify, Router 53, AWS Certificate Manager, Secret Manager
- Azure Key Vault, API Management, Resource Group, Azure IAM, App Service, Azure DevOps
- GCP Cloud Run, GCR, GCP Secret Manager, GCP IAM
- Python, Flask
- Docker, GNU/Linux

Web developer

10/2017 - 04/2018
KEA Electronics

With KEA Electronics I performed different activities as a backend and frontend developer.
Development with JHipster (HTML, Sass, Angular, Java).
Python Development (Django, Django-CMS, PostgreSQL).
Mobile development with Ionic (TypeScript, Angular)

SysAdmin Engineer

10/2017 - 04/2018

Manage GNU/Linux servers.
Manage application server (Django, WSGI, Nginx, Docker, PostgreSQL).
Release Manager.

Web developer

10/2017 - 04/2018

Backend and frontend developer activities:
Backend developer with python (Django, MVC, RESTful API).
Relational database (PostgreSQL, SQLite).
Frontend development with javascript (jQuery, Vue.js, AngularJs).
Mobile development with Ionic.


I like open source projects, these are some of my open source projects that I work on in my free time.

Skills & Proficiency

IaC/Configuration Management

Scripting languages

Process automation

Manage CI/CD pipelines

Cloud Architectures

Release manager

Microservices architecture

Serverless architecture

Monitoring systems

Courses & Certificates

Speaker at the End of Degree Seminar - 2018


Cyber Security from Cisco Networking Academy - 2018

Assistant in the event "INFO DAY ISACA" - 2017

Assistant in the event "CUPA 4ta Edición" - 2015